The focus of our sustainability strategy is responsibility for people and nature:


As our source of life, the earth not only provides us with oxygen, food and precious resources, but with its unique beauty it also offers amazing places to recharge our batteries and enjoy life.


As a brand, we bear responsibility.

Towards our customers:
We want to offer them high-quality, durable products.

Towards our employees:
Fairness and safety for everyone involved in the development of our products.

The global goals for sustainable development

17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN

The value chain is increasingly being evaluated from a social and sustainability perspective. Resources are limited and decent working conditions are essential. In 2015, the UN adopted the 2030 Agenda, which aims to ensure a decent life and protect the environment. Germany is actively committed to implementing the 17 UN goals. Climate protection and social responsibility are focus topics along the value chain. Globalization is making these issues more complex, which is why these strategies are being continuously optimized.

Code of conduct

People are at the heart of everything we do – whether as employees, customers or business partners. That is why we are constantly striving to do today what will still be good tomorrow – always striking the right balance between economy, ecology and social responsibility.

1. responsibility in dealing with nature

As a company, we bear responsibility for the environmental compatibility of our products. Compliance with statutory environmental protection regulations is a matter of course for us. In addition, we strive to efficiently organize the energy, water and raw material requirements in the supply chain in order to conserve resources and limit climate change.

2. social responsibility

We are committed to internationally recognized labour and social standards. Our commitment includes standards from the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the BSCI Code of Conduct. Stricter internal and national regulations take precedence. We ensure compliance with these standards within our own company and demand the same from our suppliers.

Ban on forced labor

Prevention of
child labor

Prohibition of

Ensuring fair
working conditions

Taking effective health and safety measures

Whistleblower Protection Act “Whistleblower Directive”

3. business conduct and handling of property and data

Our principles with regard to fair business conduct, the responsible handling of property and data and compliance with legal requirements. We focus on protecting competition, avoiding conflicts of interest and ensuring data protection and data security. We also value transparency, integrity and respectful dealings with business partners and customers.

Fair competition and vigilance against corruption

Avoidance of conflicts of interest

Proper and careful use of the company’s own resources

Money laundering prevention

Guarantee of
Data protection/security

Transparency through open and correct communication

Protection of
confidential information

Our sustainability goals

We have:

  • Creation of a CO2 balance sheet
  • ECOVADIS – Membership
    (Awarded bronze certification)
  • BSCI membership since 2010
  • Fairtrade product label